Counseling Department

East Prairie School District has designed a comprehensive program addressing the academic, career and personal/social development of all students. The school counselor is an advocate who helps students recognize their strengths and then assist them in designing specific plans of action to realize their full potential. In addition, the program monitors the school environment so that all students are respected and supported.  

The  Counseling Department at East Prairie R-II School District is available to help students and parents with questions and concerns.  Students may request an appointment at any time; they may also be referred by teachers, administrators, or parents.

What role(s) does the school counselor play in my child’s education?

The school guidance counselors at East Prairie R-II School District want your child to get the most out of school and life.  Guidance counselors are trained to help your child discover solutions to many different types of problems, learn about character, and become a good decision maker. 

What can your child speak with the counselor about?

East Prairie R-II guidance counselors can help your child with….

•    Personal problems that can affect your attitude and performance at school

•    Social concerns such as how to deal with peer pressure and problems with friendship

•    Academic issues including ways to improve grades, study skills, and organization

Guidance Counselors also…

•    Meet with teachers and parents regarding a student’s academic, emotional, or social needs.

•    Make referrals to community agencies as needed 

East Prairie Elementary
Marlina Jones
Phone: (573)649-2272 ext.1213
Email: [email protected] 

East Prairie Middle School
Shonna Slaughter
Phone: (573)649-3564 ext. 2015
Email: [email protected]

East Prairie High School

Laura White
Phone: (573)649-3564 ext.1114 (Counselor's Secretary Extension)
Email: [email protected]

East Prairie High School
Magen Berry, Homeless/Foster Liaison
Phone: (573)649-8229
Email:  [email protected]